How to Navigate Using Workflow

Go to Tools > Workflow to navigate ExtremeCloud IQ Controller accessing components. The following example illustrates the relationship between ExtremeCloud IQ Controller components, and it demonstrates how to easily access each component using Workflow.

  1. Select the Site icon on the Workflow page to display a list of available sites.


    If there is only one available component of that type, the component details or configuration page displays instead of a list of specific components.
  2. Select a specific site from the Site list.
    Click to expand in new window

    A site has the following associated components: Access Point, Device Group, and Switch.

    Click to expand in new window
    Site with associated components
    Site with associated components illustrates possible icon colors on the Workflow page:
    • Black Icon — The center icon surrounded by associated icons. This icon has the focus.
    • White Icon — This icon indicates a configured component that is associated with the center icon.
    • Gray Icon — This icon is associated with the center icon. It indicates a component that is available but not currently configured.
  3. Select the Device Group icon to display a list of available device groups.
  4. Select a specific device group from the list.
    The device group icon gains focus.
    Click to expand in new window
    Device Group with associated components
    • A device group has the following associated components:
      • RF Management
      • Site
      • Access Point
      • Profile
  5. In this example, there are no APs configured for Device Group 7532; therefore, Access Point appears gray. Select beside Access Point to open the Edit Device Group page and add one or more APs to Device Group 7532. For more information, see Add APs.
  6. Each device group has a single profile. Select the Profile icon to display the configuration items associated with that profile.
    Click to expand in new window
    Profile with associated components


    Gray icons indicate components that are not configured. Select to display the Edit Profile page and configure the component.
  7. Continue navigating through the component hierarchy to view any component within ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. Use the Workflow breadcrumbs to move backwards in the hierarchy. Alternatively, you can use the Search field on the Workflow page to search for a component.